Important Terms.

Enrich Financial strives for 100% transparency and exceptional attention to detail at all times. One of the ways we empower our clients is by providing more details about some important terms used in the financial industry.

Clawback – A “clawback” is where a payment received from product providers for business placed is reversed due to the policy being cancelled by the client. Depending on when this occurs, the product provider will claw back a certain amount of the commission from Enrich, and we will in turn invoice you for this amount.

Draw Down – After you accept a loan, instruct the lender to provide you with the funds, when you receive the funds into your account, this is called draw down.

Trail Commission – Trail commission is a commission payment received by your adviser each year that you hold an applicable financial product.

If you have any questions or would like to talk to our team about obtaining our services, please contact us here.

Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.”

John Wayne